3 Rules for Day Trading News Events
These rules can be applied to any market, including the E-Mini S&P, futures and currencies: 1. Positive news doesn’t guarantee that market price will rise. 2. Negative news doesn’t guarantee…
Best How to Day Trading Videos
Learn to Trade Price Action
These rules can be applied to any market, including the E-Mini S&P, futures and currencies: 1. Positive news doesn’t guarantee that market price will rise. 2. Negative news doesn’t guarantee…
Scalp trade the markets using only price action as taught in the Trade Scalper course! The methods taught in the Trade Scalper course do not use indicators. The Trade Scalper…
E-Mini, Euro, British Pound Video 2 E-Mini, Euro, British Pound Video 3 E-Mini, Euro, British Pound Video 4 E-Mini, Euro, British Pound Video 5 E-Mini, Euro, British Pound Video 6…
Want to learn how to trade the E-Mini S&P? E-Mini Education offers the ability to attend a private, one-on-one lesson with professional day trader and instructor John Paul. For $297,…