Forecasting Price Action
NinjaTrader includes many indicators, but most are linked to parameters, such as a MACD, stochastic or other measurement. These measurements look at price then give a value. When looking in…
Best How to Day Trading Videos
Learn to Trade Price Action
NinjaTrader includes many indicators, but most are linked to parameters, such as a MACD, stochastic or other measurement. These measurements look at price then give a value. When looking in…
This Day Trade to Win webinar was sponsored by NinjaTrader and focuses on the following: • Watch three educational trading videos to learn exact methods • Discover the #1 tool…
John Paul discusses the offerings at Day Trade to Win and how they are all based off of price action. For the most part, the methods can be traded on…
Before finding Day Trade to Win, Nick was refunding his day trading account every month. Now, he says that he’s withdrawing from his account, making around $100 to $200 a…
DTI Trading Pub sponsored this live webinar in which John Paul from Day Trade To Win teaches price action trading fundamentals. John Paul first covers the importance of trading news…
Fast forward to the 4:30 point to see the news indicator discussed. Anyone who trades the E-Mini can tell you about the sudden havoc a news event can produce. It’s…
Here’s a recap video of E-Mini (ES) trading using automated software called the Atlas Line. The Atlas Line plots Long or Short order signals on your charts in NinjaTrader, TradeStationand…
If you’ve ever spent considerable time day trading, you’ve likely pondered the purpose of the buy and sell orders that rapidly fluctuate in your charting software. In NinjaTrader, these values…
In the world of day trading, commercial systems and products come and go like the wind. Every day, you can find someone else who has discovered the latest and greatest…
How slow is too slow when trading? We’ve all been there – price opens and makes significant strides as a trend or chop, followed by a period of short candles,…